Maynard Mulindwa is an Award-winning Film maker and Documentarian. He is also the founder of Art Maid Pictures.
He’s a highly effective all round creative story teller with 10+ years of experience in the craft. He has a love for telling rich beautiful stories that exhibit the distinctive nature of Africa, and brands himself as a ‘servant of the Art’.
Over the years, he has created and been a part of 100+ videos in all categories of Cooperate promotional videos, Film, Tv Productions, Documentaries, Commercials and multiple-camera shoots. He has captured high-end videos in a variety of genres including Nature, Sports, Agriculture, Trade, Infrastructure, Tourism, Fundraising drives and Advocacy Campaigns.
The most popular project he has worked on is his feature film FOOT WINE, which won him the Award for Best Director and Best Production Designer at the Uganda Film festival (UFF) 2022. He also won the award for Best Emerging Film maker at the African Film festival (TAFF) 2022 in Dallas Texas.
Maynard believes that the desirability of any film is the ‘story’ and how creatively it is told. This is, and has always been at the core of his drive and it is what would give any viewer a beautiful experience.
He has carried the vision of being a great filmmaker for about a decade now and his main career goal is to be a Film advocate and voice for African stories in the world, by tapping into the continent’s vast archive of unexplored stories and exhibit its diverse and rich cultural identity in a modern, professional manner that will attract the global audiences.